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Path Needs a Groups Feature

In fact, all social networks should have the ability to group connections however the user prefers them to be grouped – and not just for consumption, but creation. It’s no secret I love Path, but my goal of limiting connections suffers because I enjoy the...

Every Other Tuesday

I host a brief a huddle with some good friends about RETSO.  This morning we covered topics such as next year’s event dates, cleaning up old content on our site, and focused on future curation of quality thoughts and thinkers.  We always end our huddle with some...

I build boxes

Sometimes I put data into them and measure the empty space. Sometimes I put people into them and measure their experience. Sometimes my boxes break due to poor construction. Sometimes other people break my boxes. I’m ok with both. Sometimes the boxes work as...

Taste & Tact

You could have created a real opportunity, if you had better tact. The experience could have made a difference, if you had better taste. If you combined Taste and Tact, then you can change anything for the better. Tact, noun. a keen sense of what to do or say in order...

Introducing Acru

This is the second of two video blog posts I’m doing tonight for two main reasons: 1. I’m proud of the work I’m doing here. 2. I’m testing the Wistia video solution.