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Thanks for the Gnocci and Meatballs

My mother-in-law is Italian.  She makes the best homemade sauce and meatballs.  Last night she combined them with hand-made gnocci.  To thank her for it, I called some of my connections in Orlando to make this happen in 2009:

My Newest Title is Growing on Me: DAD

Last night was the first time my family went out to dinner by ourselves. The term family still makes me think of mom, dad, brother, cousins, etc… But I am talking about my new family, the one with me, Rachel and Logan (and of course, Mason). We had been out to...

Meme This

Faina Sechzer memed me (it’s an interview/chain letter type of thing). I don’t like the concept much, but I thought I’d play along anyway, so here goes. . . 1. Who is your favorite musical artist? (post a youtube video) this is the hardest question I...

Shall I call you Logan? Weapon X?…

“No, you can call me Wolverine, snikty snikty snoin snikt snikt.” My friend Rob reminded of that classic line from Mallrats when we first spoke about the arrival of our first child, Logan Fenton Nix . We did not specifically name our son after a comic book...