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When the world zigs…

I enjoy being social. I love social media, social networking, social business, and almost anything social. I thrive on the energy of others. I love feedback, discourse, and people who push me to think differently. I have thoroughly enjoyed growing a community of...


I read every morning and every night. It’s how I like to start my day and end it. Most of the time I read blogs/news that I’ve subscribed to over time. This morning two articles jumped out and grabbed me. I felt proud. April Groves shared a great message...

In a World of Answers…

Questions become More Valuable. In an age where information is a commodity, questions become the most valuable part of the equation. Connected Together. Thanks to technology, as a population we are more connected to each other than ever before. Therefore everyone...

Holy Crap. The Future is going to be Awesome.

I read.  A lot.  It makes me at least feel smarter.  Most of the stuff I read is on the web.  Just today, I read that Everything that can be measured, will be.  I tend to agree. But how will all this data be shared efficiently, effectively, accurately? Enter Tangle....

Presentation Architecture

In the past, I have thought deeply on the subject of Communication Architecture. I still think on the topic often, but lately I’ve been more focused on one specific type of communication – the presentation. In my quest to become a better presenter and...