I sometimes share my thoughts, but mostly I don’t.
If software forces social, then I’m worth less.
Today I was going to write about "If, Then" statements as I currently believe they are the simplest form of brilliance ever. If this happens, then this happens. If I do this, then the outcome will be this. If I code this, then that will happen. Therefore, one of my...
Diffusion of Work
We are all familiar with the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations... Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, popularized the...
iThrive on #12
I think I do pretty much all of these at least some of the time. But lately I've been thriving on #12. Which one do you thrive on?
When the world zigs…
I enjoy being social. I love social media, social networking, social business, and almost anything social. I thrive on the energy of others. I love feedback, discourse, and people who push me to think differently. I have thoroughly enjoyed growing a community of...
I read every morning and every night. It's how I like to start my day and end it. Most of the time I read blogs/news that I've subscribed to over time. This morning two articles jumped out and grabbed me. I felt proud. April Groves shared a great message about...
In a World of Answers…
Questions become More Valuable. In an age where information is a commodity, questions become the most valuable part of the equation. Connected Together. Thanks to technology, as a population we are more connected to each other than ever before. Therefore everyone...
Holy Crap. The Future is going to be Awesome.
I read. A lot. It makes me at least feel smarter. Most of the stuff I read is on the web. Just today, I read that Everything that can be measured, will be. I tend to agree. But how will all this data be shared efficiently, effectively, accurately? Enter Tangle....
Presentation Architecture
In the past, I have thought deeply on the subject of Communication Architecture. I still think on the topic often, but lately I've been more focused on one specific type of communication - the presentation. In my quest to become a better presenter and train others how...
The Value of Great Design… in a Thermostat
Why would I ever pay $250 for a thermostat? Because a programmed thermostat can save 30-40% in heating and cooling costs and the current ones in my home rarely get used properly.Bullet List of why I would buy this:- Easy to read - Encourages Usage/Adjustment- Remote...
Content Marketing
this is really good content marketing. it also seems like a good idea for the world. i will probably eat more chipotle because i watched this. even if i don't eat more. i will enjoy it more when i do eat there.
Style makes all the difference.
Even a simple video about 80s toys set to some awesomely bad singing can be compelling when styled properly.
The Game of All Games is Must Read & Listen
I read too much content. It sometimes hinders my productivity. But it also helps me perform better. Makes me a better thinker. And I'm addicted to learning. So. I keep consuming content. Robert Scoble posted two of the best pieces of content I've consumed in some time...